CARTIER SA的注册办公地址为Rue André-De-Garrini 3, 1217 Meyrin,瑞士,其中国大陆境内负责处理个人信息保护相关事务机构为其关联机构 - 历峰商业有限公司(以下称“ 我们”和“我们的”),其地址为中国上海静安嘉里中心三座701-708室,上海市延安中路1228号邮编 200041。在本隐私政策中,我们使用“卡地亚”一词来指位于上述注册地址的CARTIER SA 总部、卡地亚关联机构和专卖店。
请花一些时间阅读以下政策,其中解释了我们将如何收集、存储、使用、传输、提供、披露和删除(统称为“处理”)您通过卡地亚的网站、移动应用程序和卡地亚在其他数字平台上的网店(如天猫旗舰店、微信公众号和小程序等)(统称为“平台”)提供给我们的个人信息,当您造访卡地亚专卖店、或通过电话或电子邮件联络卡地亚接待处、或当您在社交媒体平台或第三方服务商平台(包括天猫和微信等)与卡地亚互动时可能需要向我们提供这些信息。本政策还解释了在您使用卡地亚的平台时,我们如何采用 Cookies 及相关技术来收集信息。
像大部分平台一样,我们通过记录 IP 地址和使用 Cookies 以及类似技术来确保我们对您进行识别,提高安全性能并进行欺诈保护、为您提供量身订制的体验等,同时让我们了解平台的访客是如何进入这些平台。
下面将详细介绍我们如何使用 Cookies 及相关技术。
什么是 Cookies?
Cookies 是在您造访平台时下载到您的电脑或移动设备上的文本文件,其中包含少量信息。当您切换浏览网站各个页面或返回之前造访过的网站或移动应用程序时,通过它就可以辨认出您的电脑。Cookies 被广泛用来保证各种平台的运转或提高运转效率,以及向平台所有者提供信息。
我们使用 Cookies 的目的是(比如通过记住您的语言和/或产品偏好)为强化访客的在线体验,以及更好地了解卡地亚平台的使用情况。例如,Cookies 可以让我们得知您之前是否造访过卡地亚的平台,或者您是否是一位新的访客。它们还有助于确保您在网上看到的广告与您的情况和个人兴趣更加贴近。
Cookies在您的电脑或移动设备上的驻留时间不尽相同。我们同时使用“会话 Cookies”和“永久Cookies”。会话Cookies仅在您的浏览器打开期间存在,一旦您关闭浏览器,它们即会自动被删除。永久Cookies在您的浏览器关闭后依旧存在,可用于在您再次打开您的浏览器并浏览因特网时识别您的电脑或移动设备。
我们使用哪些 Cookies?
卡地亚的平台仅向您的电脑或移动设备发送以下类型的 Cookies:
Cookies 类型 | 用途 |
基本用途必需的 Cookies | 这些Cookies对向您提供通过本平台可以得到的服务以及使用其某些功能(如进入安全区域)是必不可少的。没有这些Cookies,您所要求的服务(如交易页面和安全登录账户)无法实现。 |
功能 Cookies |
这些Cookies的设置是为了提供您所访问或要求的一项特别功能或服务。这些Cookies用于与本平台之呈现、性能和功能相关的多种用途。但其总体目的是为了增强访客使用本平台的体验与乐趣。 例如,其中的某些Cookies让我们能够以适当的格式、语言、产品或其它平台偏好显示我们的平台。它们也使我们能够验证您的交易是否真实,并保存您在我们的平台购物时线上购物车内容。 |
性能Cookies |
这些Cookies用于收集相关信息,从而了解访客如何使用卡地亚的平台并与卡地亚的平台互动。 所收集的信息不会识别任何单个访客的身份,而是一种集合信息。它包括卡地亚平台的访客数量、将访客转介给卡地亚平台的其他平台以及访客在我们平台访问过的网页。 我们使用上述信息来帮助提高我们平台的运行效率,收集广泛的人口统计信息,以及监测卡地亚平台的活动水平。 |
广告Cookies |
当您进入卡地亚的平台或点击平台上的广告或促销区域时,这些Cookies可用来投放与您个人情况和兴趣爱好更加贴近的广告。它们还用于限制您看到某项广告的次数,以及帮助评估广告和促销的有效性。 它们通常由广告网络在得到我们允许的情况下投放。它们会记住您曾经进入过某个平台并与其他机构(例如,广告商)共享这类信息。 |
社交Cookies | 这些Cookies让用户能够通过第三方社交媒体及其它平台分享页面和内容。发送这些Cookies的公司还可能使用您的信息在其它平台上提供有针对性的广告。 |
您可以通过更改浏览器设置来设置您的Cookies 首选项,阻止将本平台的Cookies放置在您的电脑或移动设备中。如需更改设置,请按照浏览器的说明进行操作(该设置通常位于“帮助”、“工具”或“编辑”菜单中)。
IP 地址
a. 软件开发工具包(“SDK”)或应用程序编程接口(“API”)的第三方(见附件1)
我们在中国大陆境内收集和产生的上述“您提供给我们的信息以及我们如何使用”一节中列出的所有您的个人信息(包括敏感个人信息)将存储在中国大陆境内,如在特殊情况下根据我们公司业务需要,确需将某项数据传输至我们位于瑞士的境外接收方Richemont International SA(联络地址和电话请见下方)和集团关联公司进行处理,我们将会事先取得您的单独同意,并在符合所有关于跨境传输的法律法规的要求(包括通过国家网信部门组织的安全评估)后才会将有关个人信息传送至中国境外。有关我们集团关联公司,请参阅。传输的信息将保留在接收方,直至上述目的达成或您注销账户两者中更早发生的时间点为止。我们将监督境外接收方对个人信息的处理,以确保他们仅于授权范围内处理您的个人信息,且其处理活动符合“个人信息保护法”规定的个人信息保护标准。
Richemont International SA
50 chemin de la Chênaie
CP 30, 1293 Bellevue
电话:+41 (0) 22 721 3500
保留:我们保留您的信息仅限于为上述目的所需或适用法律所必要保留的期限。即使您的账户已经关闭或删除,为了执行我们的合同条款、防止欺诈、识别、提起或解决法律索赔和/或进行妥善记录之目的,我们仍可能保留您的一些个人信息。 我们还可能对您明确拒绝接受卡地亚新讯息的示意进行记录,以确保我们不再与您联系。若您希望注销账户或退订卡地亚任一平台,除非适用法律对个人信息保留期限有其他规定,在收到您的要求后,我们会在合理期限(视适用法律要求而定)内删除或匿名化您的个人信息并促使海外接收方删除或匿名化您的个人信息。这种情况下,您的个人信息将以无法恢复或复制的方式被删除或销毁。
电话:+86 400 885 6618
CARTIER SA, , an affiliate of Richemont Group, has its registered offices at Rue André-De-Garrini 3, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland. Its affiliate in China, Richemont Commercial Company Limited (with registered office in 701-708 Tower 3 Kerry Center, Jing’an, No. 1228 Yan’an Zhong Lu, Shanghai, China, postcode 200041) (hereinafter “we”, “us” and “our”) is responsible for personal information protection and other relevant matters in the Mainland China. In this Privacy Policy, we use the term Cartier to refer to the head office of CARTIER SA at the registered address above, Cartier affiliates and our boutiques.
Please take a moment to read the following policy that explains how we collect, store, use, transfer, provide, disclose and delete (collectively “processing”) the personal information that you provide to Cartier through Cartier’s websites, mobile applications and Cartier stores in other digital platforms, such as Tmall PFS and WeChat Official Accounts and mini-program), (together referred to as the “Platforms”), when you visit a Cartier boutique, contact the Cartier concierge by telephone or email, or when you interact with Cartier over social media platforms (including WeChat and Tmall), you may be required to provide us with this information. This Privacy Policy also explains how Cartier collects information through the use of Cookies and related technologies when you use our Platforms.
Before using Cartier services, please read and fully understand the following policy. We process your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy in order to provide services to you. If you do not agree with the content of this Privacy Policy, Cartier services may not be used or the full range of our services may be affected as a result.
Where Cartieroffers our products for sale online or by phone through the Cartier Client Relations Center, you must read the applicable Conditions of Sale, which will govern the terms and conditions of any such purchases made in these ways.
From time to time we may update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we will notify you by publishing the changes on this Platform. We will also inform you by other means such as sending you notification e-mails and/or push notifications and/or pop-up windows prior to making any material changes, which may affect your rights and interests in this Privacy Policy, data security, or may involve with changes in the category of information we process, the purpose or methods of our processing, the parties to whom we share, transfer or disclose the information, our contact information, and how you exercise your rights.
Personal information means information that is recorded electronically or otherwise and relates to identified or identifiable natural person, not including anonymized information. Sensitive personal information means information that, if leaked, illegally disclosed or abused, may lead to causing harm to dignity of a natural person, bodily harm or property damage to a natural person. Sensitive personal information may include but not limited to biometric characteristics, religious belief, special identity, medical and health information, financial and account information and tracking information as well as personal information of minor under 14 years old.
a. What personal information we collect
We may collect your personal information in the following scenarios when providing Cartier’s products and/or services, including sensitive personal information, as detailed below. For sensitive personal information we may collect from you, we will draw your attention by way of underline and bold. If the personal information provided by you is not yours but another individual’s, you should ensure that you have obtained that other individual’s authorisation. If there is any scenario not listed in this Privacy Policy, but your personal information will be collected, we will separately provide explanation on the applicable data collection and use rules. Any matters not provided in such rules will be governed by this Privacy Policy
Providing us with personal information laid out above is voluntary, but Cartier may not be able to provide the products and/or services you requested (including processing your order and sending you the required order acknowledgement and shipping confirmation notice or repair progress notice) if you do not provide us with certain information necessary for basic functions relating to products and/or services. For personal information that you have chosen to fill or provide, not providing such information will not affect your use of the basic business function for our products and/ or services, however, Cartier may not be able to provide specific function or any benefits that can only be provided with such information.
We may also collect your sensitive personal information with your consent where there is specific purpose: such as your financial information (including transaction and consumption records and bank account), individual identification information and other information (including communication records, tracking, browsing history and precise geographical location)).
b. How we will use your personal information
We will use the information we collect from you for the following purposes:
Like most platforms, we log IP addresses and uses Cookies and similar technologies that allow us to recognise you, to achieve better security and fraud prevention purposes, and to customise your experience, and provide us with information about the way our visitors access our Platforms.
Please note that, like most mini-programs, Cartier’s stores in certain third party platforms, public accounts and mini-program (such as WeChat) may use Cookies or other similar technology to automatically collect your IP address and other relevant, information and the information provided by such third party platforms (such as OpenID and UnionID). We will also collect the information from you with your prior authorisation (such as your profile photo, nickname). This information may be used to identify you when you visit our mini-program again and combine with other information about you. Furthermore, we will collect the information when you visit our mini-program, such as which pages you have visited and dwell time, in order for you to use Cartier’s mini-program and relevant functions more smoothly.
You can find out more about how we use cookies and related technologies below.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are text files, containing small amounts of information, which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or mobile application. They are used to recognise your computer as you move between pages on a website, or when you return to a website or mobile application you have visited previously. Cookies are widely used in order to make platforms work, or to work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the platform.
We use Cookies to enhance the online experience of our visitors (for example, by remembering your language and/or product preferences) and to better understand how Cartier’s Platform is used. Cookies will tell us, for example, whether you have visited Cartier’s Platform before or whether you are a new visitor. They can also help to ensure that adverts you see online are more relevant to you and your interests.
There are two broad categories of Cookies:
Cookies can remain on your computer or mobile device for different periods of time. we use both 'session Cookies' and ‘permanent Cookies’. Session Cookies exist only while your browser is open and are deleted automatically once you close your browser. Permanent Cookies survive after your browser is closed, and can be used to recognise your computer or mobile device when you open your browser and browse the internet again.
What Cookies do we use?
The Platform serves only the following types of Cookies to your computer or mobile device:
Type of Cookie | Purpose |
Cookies necessary for essential purposes | These Cookies are essential to provide you with services available through this Platform and to use some of its features, such as access to secure areas. Without these Cookies, services you have asked for, like transactional pages and secure login accounts, would not be possible. |
Functional Cookies |
These Cookies are set as required to provide a specific feature or service that you have accessed to or requested. These Cookies serve a variety of purposes related to the presentation, performance and functionality of this Platform. Their overall purpose, however, is to enhance visitors’ experience and enjoyment of this Platform. For example, some of these Cookies enable us to display this Platform in the proper format and language, product or other platform preferences. They also allow us to authenticate and verify your transactions, and to preserve the contents of your online shopping bag when shopping with us online. |
Performance Cookies |
These Cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use and interact with Cartier’s Platform. The information gathered does not identify any individual visitor and is aggregated. It includes the number of visitors to Cartier’s Platform, the platforms that referred them to Cartier’s Platform and the pages that they visited on Cartier’s Platform. We use this information to help run Cartier’s Platform more efficiently, to gather broad demographic information and to monitor the level of activity on Cartier’s Platform. |
Advertising Cookies |
When you visit Cartier’s Platform or click on advertisements or promotional areas on the Platform these Cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and promotion. They are usually placed by advertising networks with our permission. They remember that you have visited a platform and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers. |
Social Cookies | These Cookies enable users to share pages and content through third party social media and other platforms. The companies that serve these Cookies may also use your information to serve targeted advertising on other platforms. |
How to control or delete Cookies
We use non-essential Cookies on the basis of your consent. You have the right to withdraw that consent and refuse the use of Cookies at any time and we have explained how you can exercise this right below. However, please note that if you choose to refuse Cookies you may not be able to use the full functionality of Cartier’s Platform.
You can set your Cookies preferences by changing your browser settings so that Cookies from this Platform cannot be placed on your computer or mobile device. In order to do this, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” facility).
IP addresses
Our Platforms will collect information about your computer or mobile device, including where available your IP address, operating system, log-in times and browser type. We will also automatically collect the information about how you use our Platforms, including your searches and pages you have visited. We use this information to better understand how visitors use our Platform and for internal reporting purposes. We will anonymize and share this information, which cannot identify you, with advertisers, sponsors or other businesses.
[Wi-Fi usage]
[If you register for our free Wi-Fi service at Cartier’s stores or events, we will collect certain information about your device, including MAC or IP address, connection date and time and the location(s) at which you connected to our Wi-Fi service, for the purpose of providing the Wi-Fi service to you. When you connect to our Wi-Fi service you may be directed to Cartier’s Platforms and we may collect and process information using “Cookies”. You may refuse to such collection by not connecting to our Wi-Fi routers in Cartier’s stores or events.]
We collect and use information about the device you are using to connect to Cartier’s online services, including services on Cartier’s site, application or any interactive content. This information typically includes the type of device you are using, your internet browser, your location or the application running on your device. When you enter into a boutique or attend an event, we may also use technologies that connect to the functionality on your device (typically your mobile phone) such as Bluetooth and GPS and collect information based on Wi-Fi and other in-store technologies. You can view the status of the above permission item by item in the device system, and you can decide whether to turn on or off at any time.Please note that by granting a permission means that you authorise us to collect and use relevant personal information to provide you relevant services. If you cancel the permission by turning off the function, it means that you withdraw the authorisation, we would not be able to continue to collect and use the relevant personal information, nor would we be able to provide you with the corresponding services. However, your decision to turn off permissions does not affect the effectiveness of previous personal information processing activities based on your authorisation. Please note that information you voluntarily share or even publicly share while using Cartier’s services may involve personal information or even sensitive personal information about yourself or others. Please be careful about any such sharing of information when using Cartier’s services.
a. Third parties for Software Development Kit (“SDK”) or Application Programming Interface(“API”) ( as listed in Exhibit 1)
In order to facilitate the account verification, the online payment and booking delivery service, or to withdraw map data, we may incorporate third party’s services within this Platform, and such third party may directly collect from you some data out of our control. We will mark such services/functions as “provided by third party”, and also require such a third party to obtain your consent and to respond to your requests in accordance with applicable laws.
b. Third parties for advertising ( as listed in Exhibit 1)
The Platforms use third parties such as network advertisers and ad exchanges to serve you ads on third party platforms after you leave Cartier’s Platforms, and we use third party analytics and other service providers to evaluate and provide us and/or third parties with information about the use of the Platforms and viewing of ads and of the content. Network advertisers are third parties that display advertisements, which are based on your visits to the Platforms and other apps and sites you have visited. Third party ad serving enables us to target advertisements to you for products and services that you might be interested in.
Third party tracking technologies are not controlled by us, even if they are associated with Cartier’s Platforms or our ads. Statements regarding our practices do not apply to the methods for collecting information used by these third parties and others or the use of the information that such third parties collect. The relevant third party’s terms of service, privacy policy, permissions, notices and choices should be reviewed regarding their collection, storage and sharing practices. We make no representations regarding the policies or practices of third party advertisers or advertising networks or exchanges or related third parties.
You have choices in respect of the delivery of ads. You can opt-out of receiving certain types of behavioural ads by visiting the third party websites described in the section headed “How to control or delete cookies” above. We are not responsible for effectiveness of or compliance with any third parties’ opt-out options.
In circumstances where an authorised dealer may require access to the information we hold about you, we will seek your permission to share your information with an authorised dealer prior to granting such access. Where you grant permission to share your information with an authorised dealer, we will maintain industry leading measures to ensure the continued security of your information. Where your information is shared with an authorised dealer, both Cartier and the relevant authorised dealer may simultaneously be acting as an independent data controller and/or data processor in respect of your information, depending upon how we or our authorised dealer are interacting with you; and
We may share with third parties the aggregated or anonymized information or data that cannot directly identify your identity.
All of your personal information specified in the section headed “Information you provide to us and how we use it” above, including the sensitive personal information, we collect and generate in Mainland China, shall be stored in Mainland China. If, in exceptional circumstances and based on our business needs, we need to transfer certain data to our overseas data receiver located in Switzerland, Richemont International SA (please see below the address and contact number) and Richemont Group’s affiliates, for processing, we will only transfer your information overseas after we obtain your separate consent and meet all the requirements on cross border data transfer under the laws and regulations (including passing the security assessment by the national cybersecurity department). For our Group affiliates, please visit The transferred information will be retained at the overseas data receiver until the earlier of the achievement of such purpose for such transfer, and the cancelation of your account. We will supervise the overseas data receiver’s processing of personal information to ensure that the processing meets the standards for protection of personal information under the Personal Information Protection Law and is only carried out within the authorised scope.
Overseas Data Receiver:
Richemont International SA
50 chemin de la Chênaie
CP 30, 1293 Bellevue
Tel: +41 (0) 22 721 3500
We want you to feel confident about using Cartier’s Platform, and we are committed to protecting the personal information we collect. We have passed the multiple level security certification of the Public Security Ministry, obtained ISO27001 information security relevant system certification and established a good coordination and communication channel with the third party assessment institute so that any type of security threat can be defended and managed in time to provide all protection to your personal information. We take all reasonable measures so as to ensure that only the information necessary, appropriate and relevant to the purposes laid out in this Privacy Policy is collected, used and shared. We limit access to personal information about you to employees who reasonably need access to it, to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs. We will stop using or delete your personal information upon your request, or anonymize your personal information. We have appropriate technical, encrypted, anonymous and organisational physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards (e.g., TLS, SSL) to protect the personal information that you provide to us against unauthorised or unlawful processing, damage to the data integrity, and against accidental loss, damage or destruction. We have established a designated management system, process and organization to ensure information security. However, where we ask you to choose a password in order to access certain parts of Cartier’s Platform, you are responsible for selecting a secure password and keeping that password confidential. You should choose a password which you do not use on any other site, and you should not share it with anyone else. Please be aware and understand that the Internet environment is not 100% safe. We strongly suggest you help us to protect your account by using safe methods and complicated password. We may convert your personal information into statistical, aggregate or other de-identified information so that you cannot be identified and such personal information will be used for research and analysis. We ensure data security during the transfer, storage and backup process of personal information, and regularly conduct security audit.
If unfortunately, any data leakage or distortion happens, we will stick to the applicable laws and take all reasonable countermeasures and remedial measures in our emergency plan to minimize the effect on your lawful interests, including informing you of such accident and the corresponding advices to you.
Access and correction:Unless applicable law prohibits or limits you to do so, you have the right to ask for access to any personal information that we hold about you in our records, or to correct or help you correct any inaccuracies and to update any out-of-date information. You can use the user interaction function in our Platforms (if applicable), or the method described in the section headed “Contact Us” in this Privacy Policy to contact us for requesting access or correct your personal information.
Copy:You have the right to request a copy of your personal information. If you would like to obtain a copy of your information we collected, you can use the user interaction function in our Platforms (if applicable) or the method described in the section headed “Contact Us”in this Privacy Policy to contact us for requesting a copy of your personal information
Deletion and account cancellation:You have the right to request the erasure of your personal information we collected, if our processing violates any applicable law or against your consent, or if you wish to cancel the registration or no longer use Cartier’s Platform, or Cartier’s Platform no longer serves you. you can use the user interaction function in Cartier’s Platforms (if any), or the methods described in the section headed “Contact Us”in this Privacy Policy to contact us for requesting deletion of your personal information. We would like to note some information is indispensable to some functions on this Platform, if such information is deleted, the corresponding functions will turn inactive. You can also request cancelation of your account by the same channel. After you cancel your registration with us on the Platform, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it as required by the applicable laws. However, we may retain other information collected through this Platform, including transactions information such as payment records, logistics and express delivery, return, replacement and after-sales services, risk assessment reports and handling records, which may contain your personal information, within certain period of time after you cancel your registration, in order to comply with our obligations as prescribed under the applicable laws and regulations. Please note that your request to cancel your registration with us in one of our Platforms does not affect your registration with us in other Platforms, unless you request to cancel all your registration with us in all our Platforms.
Withdraw consent and refuse personalised recommendation:You have the right to object to or withdraw your authorisation to us processing your personal information. However, the corresponding functions at Cartier’s Platforms may accordingly turn inactive for you, and our processing prior to your revocation will remain unaffected. You may withdraw your consent to processing of your personal information by us via requesting data deletion or shutting down permission or authorisation etc. In particular, you can ask us to stop sending you direct marketing communications at any time (however please note that we may continue to send you service-related (i.e. non-marketing) communications, such as e-mail updates on your order status), or to shut down some customized promotion information and product/service display. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please write to us at the email address listed below in the section headed “Contact Us” or via the user interaction function in our Platforms (if any). You may unsubscribe from e-mail marketing communications at any time by e-mailing the address below in the section headed “Contact us” or clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link in any Cartier marketing e-mails. We will respond to your requests within a reasonable time period, no later than 15 days thereafter. Once you withdraw your authorisation, we will no longer process your personal information. Your decision to withdraw your authorisation will not affect any of our previous processing of personal information based on your authorisation.
Retention:We will only keep your information as long as necessary to serve the purposes laid out above or by applicable laws. We may need to retain certain personal information even once a customer account has been closed or deleted to enforce our terms, for fraud prevention, to identify, issue or resolve legal claims and/or for proper record keeping purposes. We may also retain a record of any stated objection by you to receiving Cartier updates for the purpose of ensuring we do not continue to contact you further. Should you wish to cancel your account or otherwise unsubscribe from one of Cartier’s Platforms, unless applicable legislation requires a different retention period, we will delete or anonymize your information and have the overseas transferees delete or anonymize the same within a reasonable period (subject to applicable law requirements) upon receipt of your request. Your personal information will be deleted or destroyed in a manner that cannot be restored or reproduced.
In commercial activities, we assume that you have the appropriate capacity for civil conduct. We understand the importance of safeguarding the personal data of minors. The Platforms are not directed at any minor who we know to be under the age of 14, nor do we collect any personal information from any minor who we know to be under the age of 14. We may collect your birthday information to verify your age. If you are under the age of 14, you should not use the Platform and should not submit any personal information to us. In case we find that you are under the age of 14 but you submit your personal information to us, we will terminate services to you (including account cancelation) and delete such personal information as soon as possible. If you are above the age of 14 but under the age of 18, we may request that your parents or other guardians read this Privacy Policy carefully and you may only use Cartier’s services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or other guardians.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, or privacy matters generally, please contact us at the address provided below. You can also use this address if you wish to request access to your personal information, or to unsubscribe from any further e-mail marketing communications. We may first ask you to prove your identity and then handle your request within reasonable period of no longer than 15 days.
Unless you make unreasonably repetitive or unreasonably burdensome requests, our responses to your requests will not charge you in any way, and, we may reject your request if it violates confidentiality of business secrets, abuses your rights, involves malice, or conflicts with social welfare, public security, other persons’ legitimate interests, or our obligations under applicable law.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the manner in which your information may be processed, please contact us at:
Richemont Commercial Company Limited
Tel: +86 400 885 6618
Email address: